WCHI- Westcoast Home Inspections

Biding your time when closing on a home isn’t ordinarily an option, so it’s important to schedule a high-quality home inspection as soon as possible. At Westcoast Home Inspections, we put our knowledge to work, providing extensive professional insights into the nature of a home’s construction—including valuable information about potential defects, safety issues, and home maintenance recommendations. It’s easy to slip up and make an emotional decision when buying a home, but we’ll help you stay level and grounded so that you’re able to make the best investment possible.

Products & Services

Home Inspection
Roof Inspection
Structure Inspections
Foundation & Crawl Spaces
Attic, Ventilation, & Insulation
Heating & Cooling Systems Inspections
Plumbing Inspections
Electrical Inspections

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WCHI- Westcoast Home Inspections

Biding your time when closing on a home isn’t ordinarily an option, so it’s important to schedule a high-quality home inspection as soon as possible. At Westcoast Home Inspections, we put our knowledge to work, providing extensive professional insights into the nature of a home’s construction—including valuable information about potential defects, safety issues, and home maintenance recommendations. It’s easy to slip up and make an emotional decision when buying a home, but we’ll help you stay level and grounded so that you’re able to make the best investment possible.

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